Monday, 4 March 2013

The History of Booster Juice

     Booster Juice started in 1999, with the very first store opening in Edmonton.  Currently, there are over 170 locations worldwide; it stretches over Canada from coast to coast; as well as the United States from Los Angeles to New York.  There are locations in United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, India and the Netherlands internationally.  Booster Juice was created by two university students who met in at a school in Oregon; a Canadian Dale Wishewan and an American Jon Amack. Neither of the creators were familiar with the food industry but saw it as an asset because they were not conformed in any way to other food business trends and bad habits.  They had to find a way to appeal to Canadians because of our climate; not many people would drink cold smoothies or juice in the winter a side from health-conscience people.  Booster Juice offers different fruits and vegetables to make smoothies and juices.  Customers can choose drinks off the menu or create their own as well as add whatever booster to their juice or smoothie; which in turn makes them different then any other juice and smoothie bar.

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